Chem Stores
The Chem Stores carry a wide variety of chemicals, lab equipment, and scientific supplies (including compressed gases, liquid nitrogen, and dry ice) to support the BYU Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry's teaching and research labs. The Stores also offer special order options for items it does not normally keep in stock.

For information on the Stores' ordering, pickup, and inventory procedures and policy, click here for information about the Centralized Chemical Inventory.
General Information
Hours of Operation: 8am-5pm, M-F
Please note that the Chem Stores are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Location: 126 Nicholes Building (NICB)
Contact Information
- Chem Stores reception
- via phone call: 801-422-2678
- via email:
- Matthew Allen, Manager
- via phone call: 801-422-3487
- via email:
- Duane Tucker, Receiving Manager
- via phone call: 801-422-3804
- via email:
The following policies govern to whom and how the Stores make sales.
- Account Sales (require a BYU ID card)
- Faculty: may charge sales to their accounts. Click here to access a form to set up a faculty charge account.
- Authorized students: may charge sales to their professor's research account. Click here to access a form to authorize students to use a faculty charge account.
- Staff: may charge sales to their departmental account.
- Cash Sales
- General public: may make cash purchases with exceptions listed below.
- The Stores cannot sell to commercial or for-profit entities.
- Cash sales are cash, check, or signature card only.
- Cash may not be used to purchase the following items: chemicals (including liquid nitrogen and dry ice), glassware with ground glass joints, large glassware (one liter and above), needles, balances, hot plates, and stirrers.
- General public: may make cash purchases with exceptions listed below.
The following policies endeavor to ensure Stores customer and employee safety.
- Gloves
- If you wear chemical safety gloves to the Stores, you must remove them before entering the Stores, or the Stores cannot serve you. This is meant to prevent chemical contamination.
- Safety Carriers
- Any chemical that comes in a glass container must leave Stores premises in a safety carrier, a well-packed box, or on a sturdy cart. Bring a safety carrier when purchasing a chemical; otherwise, the Stores has safety carriers available for rent or sale.
- Carts
- Carts: the Stores have variously sized carts and gas carts available for short-term loans. The Stores will retain your BYU ID card until you return your rented card.
- Liquid Nitrogen Dispensing
- To dispense liquid nitrogen, the nitrogen transport line must be sufficiently cool for the nitrogen to flow as a liquid. Because chemical loss occurs during cooling, dispensing hours are from 8-10am and 3-5pm.
- The Stores will fill large liquid nitrogen dewars not during dispensing hours for a higher price.
- The Stores will fill small liquid nitrogen dewars (under 4L) at any time for dispensing-hour price from the Stores' portable 50L dewar.
- To dispense liquid nitrogen, the nitrogen transport line must be sufficiently cool for the nitrogen to flow as a liquid. Because chemical loss occurs during cooling, dispensing hours are from 8-10am and 3-5pm.
- Special Order Fees
- For supplies and chemicals not in Stores stock, the Stores will place a special order for a fee of $20/order.
- If the item is particularly low-cost, alternate arrangements may be made with the Stores manager.
- For specialty compressed gases not in Stores stock, the Stores will place a special order for a fee of $20/order or 20% gas cost (whichever sum is least).
- For supplies and chemicals not in Stores stock, the Stores will place a special order for a fee of $20/order.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602
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