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BYU Graduate Students Receive Recognition at Two International Conferences

Sept. 16, 2010

News Release:

BYU graduate students, Landon A. Wiest and David S Jensen, in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, recently received recognition at two international conferences in the summer of 2010.

At HPLC 2010, in Boston, MA (June, 2010), Landon Wiest was nominated for the Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award and was accordingly given an opportunity to share his research with the chromatography community by delivering a podium presentation. We estimate that 300 – 400 people were in attendance for his lecture. Also at HPLC 2010, David Jensen gave two different poster presentations outlining his current research.

At the International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2010) held in Valencia, Spain (September 2010) David Jensen was able to give two oral presentations at different sessions of the conference. Jensen shared his advancements on modifying the surface of porous graphitic carbon and also his research on creating a microfabricated thin-layer chromatography plate using carbon nanotubes as a template.

At ISC 2010, Wiest gave both oral and poster presentations on his research, which detailed the creation of core-shell particles through the attachment of nanodiamond to a nonporous carbon core using a polymer as a reactive binder. Wiest was also asked to serve in two plenary sessions: once as the chairman and in the other session as the co-chairman.

Wiest and Jensen are graduate students working on their doctoral degrees in analytical chemistry. They both work in the laboratory of Dr. Matthew R. Linford. They plan on graduating during the 2012-2013 school year.

“I am delighted with the recognition that has come to these students and the progress they are making towards their degrees. I should emphasize that oral presentations at these international meetings are not easy to get. It was fun to hear Landon and Dave referred to repeatedly as Dr. Wiest and Dr. Jensen – I am proud of the professional way they handled themselves,” Dr. Linford said.


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


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