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Dr. Douglas J. Henderson Awarded the Title “Doctor Honoris Causa” (Honored Doctor) of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

May 10, 2010

Dr Douglas J Henderson has been awarded the title “Doctor honoris causa” (honored doctor) of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics (ICMP) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

According to a letter from the ICMP Dr. Henderson was awarded this honorary degree for “outstanding contribution to the statistical theory of liquid state of matter, for [his] role in the development of statistical physics and in the strengthening of scientific ties between the North American and Ukrainian scientists and institutions.” This title is given to only one or two recipients per year. Now that Dr. Henderson has been honored with this title he is able to take part in sessions of the Scientific Council of the Institute. He can also refer to this title in his publications. Dr. Henderson has collaborated with the ICMP for many years. His first visit to the ICMP was in 1989. He met one of the members, Dr. Myroslav Holovko, at a conference in Georgia and Dr. Holovko invited him to visit their facilities located in the western part of Ukraine. Since that time Dr. Henderson has helped with the organization of several conferences for the ICMP. He has been back to Ukraine three times since his first visit in 1989 and will have the opportunity to travel there again for an awards ceremony and to be presented with an honorary diploma.

By Cory Renshaw


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


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