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Dr. Lee Hansen wins Hugh M. Huffman award at a calorimetry conference

Aug. 23, 2018

Dr. Lee Hansen won the Hugh M. Huffman award at a calorimetry conference.

Dr. Hugh M. Huffman (1899-1950) was one of the founders of The Calorimetry Conference and a pioneer in the field of heat capacity measurements. This prestigious award bearing Hugh's name honors those individuals who through their lifelong research accomplishments emulate the creativity and care that Dr. Huffman demonstrated in his studies. Candidates shall have made long-term contributions to thermodynamics involving thermochemistry and/or calorimetry. The Hugh M. Huffman award is sponsored by TA Instruments; the award address is published in the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics.


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


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