Chemistry and Biochemistry
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Homecoming Alumni Dinner 2018

Oct. 24, 2018

The 2018 annual Homecoming Department and Alumni Dinner was held on October 12th in the Benson Science building. Alumni came with their partners to greet faculty, staff, emeritus, and department retirees at a reception followed by a delicious meal. After the meal, department chair Dr. David Dearden handed out awards to the alumni who had traveled the furthest, who had graduated the most recent, and to the most senior alumnus.

At the conclusion of the Alumni awards, everyone moved to a lecture hall for a presentation and talk. A few new faces were welcomed into the department: our new faculty members are Dr. Ryan Kelly and Dr. Walter Paxton; and new staff members include Kari Van Sickle, Todd Fluckiger, Spencer Sarager, Layne Palmer and Steve Johnson. It was also announced that Dr. Jeffrey Macedone has received an advancement to Full Professor.

The Faculty Awards were as follows: Dr. Brian Woodfield was the recipient of the 2018 Izatt-Christiensen Faculty Excellence in Research Award, Dr. Milton Lee was awarded the 2019 ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, Dr. Lee Hansen was awarded the Hugh M. Huffman Memorial Award at the 2018 Calorimetry Conference, Dr. Daniel Austin was awarded the 2018 Curt Brunnee Award at the International Mass Spectrometry Conference, and Dr. Steven G. Wood was awarded the 2018 Nicholes-Butler University Citizen Award. Congratulations to these faculty members on their outstanding achievements.

Adam Woolley was the speaker for the evening and his talk was entitled Microfluidics and 3D Printing Tools to Revolutionize Automated Chemical Analysis.


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602


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