Research activities occupy more than half of the Ezra Taft Benson Science Building. Furthermore, the chemistry-related collection held by BYU's Howard B. Lee Library includes over 500,000 volumes and 9,000 journal subscriptions.
Major equipment used by and available from the BYU Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry include NMR probes, mass spectrometers, X-ray diffractors, spectrophotometers, lasers, separators, particle size analyzers, environmental chambers, ICP, thermodynamics tools (including calorimeters of all types), and molecular biology tools (including DNA synthesizers and sequencers, a recombinant DNA facility, and ultracentrifuges).
All computing facilities are fully networked, including computational chemistry and laboratory workstations, with convenient connection to supercomputing facilities and the Internet. Also serving research needs are the department's glassblowing, machining, and electronics shops.
Scroll down to learn more about each facility, or click one of the links below!

BYU Biological Mass Spectrometry Facilities
This facility includes the Agilent Ion Mobility LC/Q-OF, Thermo Orbitrap Fusion Lumos, Thermo Orbitrap Eclipse, and Agilent LC/Q-TOF and TOF instruments. Located in C021 BNSN.

BYU NMR Facility
The NMR Facility is home to the Bruker 500 MHz, Varian 500 MHz, Varian 300 MHz, and a helium (He) recovery unit. Training requirements listed on main site. Located in C008 BNSN.

Prototype Manufacturing Lab
The Prototype Manufacturing Lab (formally known as Precision Machining Lab) is a prototyping shop that does 3D CAD engineering, machining, welding, 3D printing and much more. Located in 108 CTB.

XRD Facility
The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) facility currently operates two XRD instruments, with one specializing in polycrystalline P-XRD and the other in singular crystal SC-XRD. Located in C330 BNSN.

Spectroscopic Facility
The BYU Spectroscopic Facility is home to several analytical instrument groups, including: Spectroscopy, Surface Analysis, and Separations. Located in E226 BNSN.

Flow Cytometry Facility
This facility contains a state-of-the-art cytometer that can pull samples from tubes or up to 384 well-plates and houses Bio-Rad S3e cell sorter used by various BYU departments.

Opentrons Pipetting Robot
The BYU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry's pipetting robot handles liquid samples with precision, speed, and effectivity. Schedule an appointment to use.
The BYU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry also houses several administrative offices. Click below to connect with department resources or chat directly with our staff.

Chemistry Business Office
This page is currently under construction. Please check back soon.

Chem Stores
Located in 126 Nicholes Building (NICB).

Inorganic Stockroom
Located in C130A Benson Building (BNSN).

Organic Stockroom
Located in C271A Benson Building (BNSN).

Science Support Shop
This page is currently under construction. Please check back soon.